import event from '../events/events.js';
import Chord from '../engine/chord.js';
import Word from '../engine/word.js';
class DictLoader extends event.EventEmitter {
constructor(output, convert, root, MacroLoader) {
this.isdict = true;
this.convert = convert;
this.output = output;
// Private
this._root = root;
this._words = [];
this._dictionary = {};
// Public
this.dicts = [];
this.macros = MacroLoader;
// Aliases
this.reload = this.load;
this.remove = this.unload;
this.add = this.load;
onLoad() {
//console.log("Loading Dictionaries");
onUnload() {
//console.log("Unloading Dictionaries");
_generateDictionary(dicts = this.dicts) {
const mergedDict = {};
for (let obj of dicts) {
for (let key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
mergedDict[key] = obj[key];
return mergedDict;
_demetafy(translationString) {
// Sentence stops
translationString = translationString.replace(/\s*{(\.|!|\?)}\s*(\w?)/g, function (matchString, punctuationMark, nextLetter) { return punctuationMark + ' ' + nextLetter.toUpperCase(); });
// Sentence breaks
translationString = translationString.replace(/\s*{(,|:|;)}\s*/g, function (matchString, punctuationMark) { return punctuationMark + ' '; });
// Simple suffixes (pure javascript translation from the Python code base)
translationString = translationString.replace(/(\w*)\s*{(\^ed|\^ing|\^er|\^s)}/g, simpleSuffix);
function simpleSuffix() {
var matchString = arguments[0];
var prevWord = arguments[1];
var suffix = arguments[2];
var returnString = '';
var CONSONANTS = { 'b': true, 'c': true, 'd': true, 'f': true, 'g': true, 'h': true, 'j': true, 'k': true, 'l': true, 'm': true, 'n': true, 'p': true, 'q': true, 'r': true, 's': true, 't': true, 'v': true, 'w': true, 'x': true, 'z': true, 'B': true, 'C': true, 'D': true, 'F': true, 'G': true, 'H': true, 'J': true, 'K': true, 'L': true, 'M': true, 'N': true, 'P': true, 'Q': true, 'R': true, 'S': true, 'T': true, 'V': true, 'W': true, 'X': true, 'Z': true };
var VOWELS = { 'a': true, 'e': true, 'i': true, 'o': true, 'u': true, 'A': true, 'E': true, 'I': true, 'O': true, 'U': true };
var W = { 'w': true, 'W': true };
var Y = { 'y': true, 'Y': true };
var PLURAL_SPECIAL = { 's': true, 'x': true, 'z': true, 'S': true, 'X': true, 'Z': true };
var prepForSimpleSuffix = function (wordParam) {
var numChars = wordParam.length;
if (numChars < 2) {
return wordParam;
if (numChars >= 3) {
thirdToLast = wordParam.slice(-3, -2);
} else {
thirdToLast = '';
secondToLast = wordParam.slice(-2, -1);
last = wordParam.slice(-1);
if (secondToLast in VOWELS || secondToLast in CONSONANTS) {
if (last in VOWELS) {
if (thirdToLast && (thirdToLast in VOWELS || thirdToLast in CONSONANTS)) {
return wordParam.slice(0, -1);
} else if (last in CONSONANTS && !(last in W) && secondToLast in VOWELS && thirdToLast && !(thirdToLast in VOWELS)) {
return wordParam + last;
} else if (last in Y && secondToLast in CONSONANTS) {
return wordParam.slice(0, -1) + 'i';
return wordParam;
if (suffix === '^s') {
if (prevWord.length < 2) {
return prevWord + 's';
var a = prevWord.slice(-2, -1);
var b = prevWord.slice(-1);
if (b in PLURAL_SPECIAL) {
return prevWord + 'es';
} else if (b in Y && a in CONSONANTS) {
return prevWord.slice(0, -1) + 'ies';
return prevWord + 's';
if (suffix === '^ed') {
return prepForSimpleSuffix(prevWord) + 'ed';
if (suffix === '^er') {
return prepForSimpleSuffix(prevWord) + 'er';
if (suffix === '^ing') {
if (prevWord && prevWord.slice(-1) in Y) {
return prevWord + 'ing';
return prepForSimpleSuffix(prevWord) + 'ing';
// Capitalize
translationString = translationString.replace(/\s*{-\|}\s*(\w?)/g, function (matchString, nextLetter) { return nextLetter.toUpperCase(); });
// Glue flag
translationString = translationString.replace(/(\s*{&[^}]+}\s*)+/g, glue);
function glue() {
var testString = '';
for (i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
testString += arguments[i] + ', ';
var matchString = arguments[0];
matchString = matchString.replace(/\s*{&([^}]+)}\s*/g, function (a, p1) { return p1; });
return ' ' + matchString + ' ';
// Attach flag
translationString = translationString.replace(/\s*{\^([^}]+)\^}\s*/g, function (matchString, attachString) { return attachString; });
translationString = translationString.replace(/\s*{\^([^}]+)}(\s*)/g, function (matchString, attachString, whitespace) { return attachString + whitespace; });
translationString = translationString.replace(/(\s*){([^}]+)\^}\s*/g, function (matchString, whitespace, attachString) { return whitespace + attachString; });
// Key Combinations
translationString = translationString.replace(/\s*{#Return}\s*/g, '\n');
translationString = translationString.replace(/\s*{#Tab}\s*/g, '\t');
return translationString;
onChord(keys, next) {
// Limit
if (this._words.length > this._root.config.undo_history) this._words = this._words.slice(this._words.length - this._root.config.undo_history);
var modifyArr = [];
const chord = new Chord(keys);
// Slightly rewritten ploverpad code. Huge credits to openstenoproject for making plover open source.
if (this._words.length > 0) {
if (chord.toRTFCRE() !== '*') { // NORMAL KEYS
const lastWord = this._words[this._words.length - 1];
const combinedString = lastWord.toString() + '/' + chord.toRTFCRE();
modifyArr.push({ action: 'delete', amount: lastWord.length + 1 });
if (this._dictionary[combinedString]) {
modifyArr.push({ action: 'add', text: this._demetafy(chord.toEnglish(this._dictionary, this.macros.checkMarco) + ' ') });
} else {
var temp = new Word([chord])
modifyArr.push({ action: 'add', text: this._demetafy(temp.toEnglish(this._dictionary, this.macros.checkMarco) + ' ') });
} else if (chord.toRTFCRE() === '*') { // SPECIAL KEY
if (this._words.length < 1) return;
modifyArr.push({ action: 'delete', amount: this._words.length + 1 });
this._words[this._words.length - 1].removeStroke();
if (this._words[this._words.length - 1].toString() === '') {
if (this._words.length < 2 && this._words[this._words.length - 1]) modifyArr.push({ action: 'add', text: this._demetafy(this._words[this._words.length - 1].toEnglish(this._dictionary, this.macros.checkMarco) + ' ') });
} else { // NEW STROKE
var temp = new Word([chord]);
modifyArr.push({ action: 'add', text: this._demetafy(temp.toEnglish(this._dictionary, this.macros.checkMarco) + ' ') });
const fullSteno = this._words.reduce((acc, word) => acc + word.toEnglish(this._dictionary, this.macros.checkMarco) + ' ', '');
// Handle modify [ { action: 'delete', amount: 5 }, { action: 'add', text: "hello" } ]
return next();
lookup(phrase) {
reloadAll() {
if (this.dicts.length < 1) {
return false;
this.dicts.forEach(dict => this.load(dict, false));
this._dictionary = this._generateDictionary();
this.emit("reloadAll", this.dicts);
return true;
load(dict, genDict = true) {
if (typeof dict !== 'object') return false;
if (genDict == true) this._dictionary = this._generateDictionary();
if (dict in this.dicts) {
this.emit("load", dict);
this._root.emit("dictionaryLoad", dict);
this.emit("reload", dict);
this._root.emit("dictionaryReload", dict);
return dict;
} else {
this.emit("loadFailed", dict);
this._root.emit("dictionaryLoadFailed", dict);
this.emit("reloadFailed", dict);
this._root.emit("dictionaryReloadFailed", dict);
return false;
unload(dict) {
if (dict in this.dicts) {
delete this.dicts[this.dicts.indexOf(dict)];
this._dictionary = this._generateDictionary();
return true;
} else {
return false;
export { DictLoader };